Thursday, April 9, 2020


Yikes, this week has been crazy busy and I almost forgot that I did not finish pre-posting this week.  This is the very first picture of the big pond that I have been walking to now and then.  There were a bunch of ducks and this is the typical shot I get of wildlife I see, them trying to get the heck away from me!  I liked the light on them and the splashes.


  1. I love this photo! The light is great, it makes the ducks look angelic! My village has a duck-pond, so I have a lot of photos of ducks being boring. (On the plus side, they were very easy to walk to :-)

    1. Most of my duck pics are of them being boring as well. LOL Thanks much Martin!

  2. What a great capture, Shelly! A great action shot.
