Wednesday, June 5, 2019


There used to be a Wildflower Wednesday on the Plus where I used to play.  I can have a wildflower Wednesday here every now and then.  This was always one of my favorite Kansas wildflowers.  I captured this Cobaea Beardtongue Penstemon with the setting sun as a background.  The sky has been hazy and our setting sun red due to smoke from Canadian wildfires.  


  1. Very nice, I finally get to see one of "your" penstemons - what a lovely one, with such big and complex flowers! Nice setting with the sunset too. Beautiful!

  2. Another nice capture. Like your other capture from the Konza Prairie, from a few days ago, this has a nice softness to it. The background of shadowed grass really makes the penstemon flowers stand out.

    1. Thanks very much Tom! The light was quite nice that evening plus a little post processing. :-)
