Sunday, April 28, 2024


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  I usually share train photos but today I am sharing our roller.  We took it to the KESSA Steam School in Meriden Kansas.  It got it's boiler inspection there and students had an opportunity to operate it if they wanted with us.  It was a nice place to operate it as it has a large open field.  Steering of this steam roller is rather challenging.  I was finally getting the hang of it near the end of the afternoon.  We were burning wood in it this day, it has a very easy to fire boiler.  If you are interested, I have a video Here where you can see it in action.


  1. Neat ! Will you be getting a steam shovel next?😊😊 I guess they had steam bulldozers as well

    1. LOL Ah, no, the roller is enough. Well, along with our tractor and small locomotive. 😁

    2. I Like the idea of a steam shovel. ( A small one) Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel was a favorite book as a kid.

    3. Go for it!! 😊😊 Of course you'll need another trailer for itπŸ™„

    4. Don't encourage him! 🀣
