Happy New Year! It's a double digit day! 😁 It's also the first Steamy Sunday of the year! I thought I would start off the year with a photo of our locomotive which was 9 years in restoration. It was quite rusty from lack of use for many years and also worn from hard use back in the day. It was built in 1947 by the Ottaway Amusement Company in Wichita Kansas. This is an image taken from some drone footage I shot when we took it to the C & H Railroad where we volunteer at for it's first runs on an actual track set up instead of just some footage in the yard. It performed very well. We named our locomotive after our favorite photographer, William Henry Jackson, WHJ for short. He was on the original Yellowstone survey and he has also photographed Colorado extensively including many steam trains. You can see my YouTube video of the locomotive at the C & H here.
You must have quite a trailer to take it on road trips
ReplyDeleteWe do, probably a bit overkill actually.