Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 It's November!  Yikes the end of the year is coming fast.  My photo for today goes back to the Baker Wetlands in Lawrence Kansas.  This is an Egret I was able to capture as it surveyed it's surroundings.  I think it is a Snowy Egret but not sure as it doesn't seem to have the fluffy plumage they have.


  1. I think it is a great egret, aka an egret.The beak looks too long and black for a snowy. Snowy also has yellow feet.

    Hard to tell for sure

  2. Oops. Just checked allaboutbirds.org. egrets have yellow beaks, snowies have black.
    I suspectbthat makes it a snowy

    1. Thanks Jim! That was how I decided plus when I viewed the picture larger, it's easier to see that the feet are lighter in color as well.

  3. Nice capture. I used to see quite a few egrets down in TN. I don't think I've seen one since moving to NY.

  4. Tom: there lots of great egrets around you. Two years ago there 15 or so in August at Montezuma Wildlife Refuge. There were 4 there last Wednesday way off in the distance.
    But I doubt if there are any snowy egrets around you. We had one many years ago in Ottawa for a week or so.

    1. You would think with the name "Snowy" they would be further north. LOL
