Monday, November 21, 2022


 Happy Monday of a holiday week!  We have had some really cold weather so all the outdoor flowers have gone now.  During the summer I usually have these outside but brought them in to overwinter and then plant again outside.  This is Lantana, a different color than I had tried before.  I love the pastel colors.  It is doing better inside than it did out, not sure if the yellow one it was planted with overpowered it.  Lantana is a butterfly and Hummingbird magnet usually.  


  1. Don't think I ever got an email for this one....
    I've always liked lantana (since I first found it in the Caribbean I think it was). Maybe I should try some if I can get it and see if I can over winter it inside.
    Are you keeping it in a cool dark space or???

    1. Yes, Blogger and the ap I use for mails is weird at times. I have it in a sunny window and it is very happy.
