Sunday, June 19, 2022


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  Today's image is another from the Steam Up a friend of mine had over Memorial Day weekend.  The wind was blowing very hard that day, 45 mph gusts so this G Scale locomotive had a bit of trouble firing.  It was running on miniature wood pellets and it also runs on coal chips.  It smelled great and was neat to watch.


  1. Great shot. How big is this outdoor model railway?

    1. Thanks very much Tom. This loop is probably a good 10 feet by 20 to 25 feet. He has another section about the same size but a lot is on the ground. There is a 3rd loop that is a good 30 to 40 feet long with a couple of loops on each end, probably 6 to 8 feet wide.

  2. Can't say I've heard of coal chips. Neat looking set up and locomotive

    1. Just small chips of coal. They looked fairly uniform so not sure how they get them like that. It is a nice set up, see answer to Tom on loop sizes.
