Monday, December 16, 2019


Sorry about the late posting of the image yesterday.  Forgot to set the time for it.
We had quite the nice snow yesterday.  As I write this it is at least 4 inches and still coming down quite heavily.  It's actually quite lovely when you don't have to go out in it.  
My image today is a 5 image Focus Stack of my Toad Lily from a different angle than I shared previously.  This flower is a quite interesting one I think and lovely despite it's name.  Because of the mottled color and the fact that they prefer shade is where the name originates from.


  1. Great capture!

    I need to research focus stacking a bit. Of course, one day, I probably need to buy a macro lens.

    1. Thank you Tom! Yes, a macro lens helps but a normal can get pretty close. If you have a program that does it like Photoshop or On1 it is pretty easy. You just have to stay as steady as you can when taking your multiple shots.
