It's Steamy Sunday here on the blog! Today's image goes back to Pennsylvania and one of the rides I went on last year. This is the Northern Central Railroad which has a replica 4-4-0 American style oil burning locomotive. It's a beautiful looking and sounding locomotive. I have a couple of videos on YouTube where you can listen to it and see it run of which this is one. NCRR Locomotive by Drone
Is the oil-firing something the replicators opted for or was the original oil-fired as well?
ReplyDeleteOut of curiousity, given the voices in the audio towards the start of the video, are you recording from the ground on your drone videos and it is automatically added to the video in the camera, or do you add it in post?
The original was a wood burner, you can tell from the type of smoke stack. Those were a style that captured a lot of the cinders emitted. Yes, capturing the sound from the ground and I have to add it in post. Very tricky getting it lined up correctly. Usually use the steam blasts from the whistle to do it with.