Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 While I was in Florida, I was able to add a few birds to my list of new ones.  This is another of those, a Wood Stork.  There was a body of water in the housing area where I was an there were several birds looking for food from it.  I got lucky with this image too as it also includes an Egret which I usually only see from quite a distance.  From the darker beak and dark legs, guessing a Snowy Egret.  I was relatively close to these birds which was exciting as these types of birds around here I couldn't even be half as close.


  1. Wood storks are the prettiest birds but They certainly are good photo subjects with their various poses.
    That certainly looks like a snowy egret

    1. It's an interesting looking bird for sure. Thanks for the confirmation on the Egret.
