Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Happy New Year!  It's a double digit day of course.  It's Wildflower Wednesday here on the Blog and the first one of the new year.  Starting off with a favorite in an image that reminds of some natural Fireworks.  This is a white Echinacea that I have growing over by my large pond.  Also known as Coneflowers, these can bloom all summer.


  1. Nice summery flower (as we are getting more snow today after losing most of what we had over the last few days with rain and 5-°F)

    1. Hope you have warmed up some. We got another 2 inches last night so a total of 18 now. Sheesh.

  2. No snow, temps have stayed cold with a wind chill. But the good news is that the cold has enabled the first portion of an 5 mike skating rink to open. Last year it opened for 10 days, the year before it never opened due to warm weather. In days of old it has opened for more than 2 months

    1. That would be fun! They are talking about putting in a skating rink in a town near us. Wish they would. We have even less time to use though most likely, it will have to use special technology.
