Sunday, August 25, 2024


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  Since I have been sharing cabs, I was told I should share this one too.  While extremely simplified, the important components exist in this one as well.  This is the cab of our Large Scale Ottaway locomotive.  The red valve in the middle is the main steam valve to the throttle.  to the left of that is the Sight Glass to let you know how much water is in the boiler, VERY important.  The gauge at the top is to let you know the pressure of the boiler, it was being tested on air so it is showing some pressure, about 100lbs.  The red handles on the right and left of the pipe in the rear are the valves to let steam into the Injectors (how you get water into the boiler) the water valves are those levers at the bottom which we have since changed to regular valves.  On the very right is the Reverser which actually is how you move forward or backward.  The 2 little valves above the round door where the wood or coal goes in are to manually check the level of water in the boiler.  If the steam is wet, you are good with the lower one.  Usually there are 3 and they are called Try Cocks.