Sunday, September 18, 2022


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  We took our locomotive to the railroad that we get to play at outside of Topeka every now and then.  We were very pleased with how it performed.  At the end of the day it started to rain quite a bit so we had to load it back up in the rain.  Before we could do that we had to let pressure off so here it is blowing down the boiler near the pond for a nice steamy shot.


  1. Neat.

    I imagine it gets hot and needs time to cool as well?

    1. Yes, the boiler heats up with steam pressure. Letting the pressure off by letting the steam out of the boiler is a quick way to cool it down. We usually don't like to do it like this because it is better when they change temperature more slowly but with the rain we were more in a hurry than usual.

  2. That is a great action shot. Very nice!
